
Contact Us

*For more information about the IMBA, please contact


Catherine Yu

Coordinator for IMBA Program

College of Technology Management

National Tsing Hua University

Phone: +886-3-516 2105

Fax: +886-3-561 0141

Email: imba@my.nthu.edu.tw



*For TaiwanICDF Higher Education Scholarship Program, please contact



Gene Lee

Project Manager

IMBA in Technology Management Program

College of Technology Management

National Tsing Hua University

Phone: +886-3-516 2106

Email: yt.lee@mx.nthu.edu.tw



 Erica Chang

Project Manager

IMBA in Technology Management Program

College of Technology Management

National Tsing Hua University

Phone: +886-3-516 2106

Email:  chang_yi@mx.nthu.edu.tw
