
Domestic Application本國生招生

The College of Technology Management at National Tsing Hua University located in Hsinchu of Taiwan offers International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) program leading to a master’s degree. IMBA program is a full-time, two-year MBA program. We encourage applications from all qualified persons interested in the study of management. Individuals holding a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university who have at least two years of work experiences are preferable for application. Prior study in business or economics is not a requirement for admission. Seven domestic students are expected to be admitted to the IMBA program each year. Citizen of Taiwan, the Republic of China holding a bachelor’s degree to be considered for admission, required materials for application are listed as below:

  • Official academic transcripts (大學歷年成績單)
  • Two recommendation letters (2封以上推薦函, 依照報名系統推薦函格式)
  • Study plan in English (以英文撰寫之學習研究計畫書)
  • IMBA personal profile (IMBA個人資料表) 下載表格
  • English proficiency test result (英語能力證明, 例: 托福、雅思)

TOEFLiBT 79/ ITP550/ PBT 550; IELTS 6.0; TOEIC 800 or the same level of other English tests, please refer to "English Proficiency Chart"

  • Other additional documents (其他有利審查資料,如:工作年資證明)
  • Application fee NT$1,300 (in ways suggested in the announcement made by the Division of Admission) 報名費新台幣1,300元整

*Above documents should be submitted in an English version. 以上申請文件皆以英文呈現

Upon receiving the applicant’s complete supporting documents, the Admissions Committee evaluates each applicant’s qualification and assess his or her candidacy compared to the overall pool of applicants. After the preliminarily screening process, only selected applicants will be invited for an on-campus interview for further consideration of admission. The interview will be held in English. The final admission decision will be made after the on-campus interview.

All domestic applications should follow the rules & regulations announced by the Division of Admission of the university.



